all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 7TU 9 1 54.968312 -1.65366
NE4 7TX 1 0 54.969435 -1.653619
NE4 7TY 12 0 54.968454 -1.653252
NE4 7UL 30 0 54.969666 -1.656038
NE4 7UN 56 2 54.969502 -1.655133
NE4 7XA 24 0 54.965784 -1.649761
NE4 7XB 28 0 54.965987 -1.651649
NE4 7XE 11 0 54.965547 -1.651669
NE4 7XF 29 0 54.964994 -1.650127
NE4 7YA 4 4 54.962685 -1.647801
NE4 7YB 8 8 54.962074 -1.640829
NE4 7YD 9 9 54.960823 -1.640371
NE4 7YG 1 0 54.960759 -1.636796
NE4 7YH 3 3 54.961195 -1.635246
NE4 7YL 39 34 54.961284 -1.644986
NE4 7YQ 1 1 54.962678 -1.647789
NE4 7YW 1 1 54.964218 -1.655241
NE4 7AS 1 1 54.962629 -1.63779
NE4 7ED 0 54.965098 -1.633523
NE4 7EE 0 54.964902 -1.634119