all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 5SH 0 54.978137 -1.631122
NE4 5SP 5 54.971269 -1.621436
NE4 5SQ 4 54.972143 -1.621431
NE4 5SR 1 54.971605 -1.621998
NE4 5SS 0 54.973107 -1.622468
NE4 5ST 3 54.974748 -1.627046
NE4 5SW 0 54.970856 -1.620927
NE4 5TA 0 54.975151 -1.626464
NE4 5TB 0 54.974826 -1.626295
NE4 5TD 1 54.975008 -1.626794
NE4 5AU 10 0 54.977697 -1.630659
NE4 5PL 1 54.978903 -1.643069
NE4 5WA 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE4 5TN 3 2 54.97352 -1.622993
NE4 5DT 1 54.971398 -1.621813
NE4 5SA 0 54.973948 -1.624054
NE4 5SN 72 0 54.97311 -1.623312
NE4 5SL 72 0 54.97311 -1.623312
NE4 5SU 0 54.974629 -1.623345
NE4 5TF 31 54.972382 -1.623428