all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 5SJ 72 0 54.974629 -1.623345
NE4 5SZ 72 0 54.974629 -1.623345
NE4 5AX 0 54.974622 -1.624095
NE4 5TG 0 54.973717 -1.625569
NE4 5TH 94 0 54.974362 -1.62486
NE4 5TJ 73 0 54.974331 -1.623704
NE4 5TP 73 1 54.974331 -1.623704
NE4 5BF 65 0 54.974652 -1.625032
NE4 5TQ 1 0 54.972634 -1.623488
NE4 6AA 4 54.970875 -1.62402
NE4 6AB 1 54.970958 -1.624816
NE4 6AD 6 54.971086 -1.625596
NE4 6AE 6 54.97124 -1.626638
NE4 6AH 3 54.971255 -1.627813
NE4 6AJ 5 54.971528 -1.628982
NE4 6AL 3 54.971089 -1.62369
NE4 6AN 4 54.97137 -1.625122
NE4 6AP 3 54.971493 -1.626342
NE4 6AQ 0 54.971629 -1.627525
NE4 6AR 3 54.971752 -1.629011