all postcodes in NE63 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE63 0AE 9 8 55.182786 -1.568572
NE63 0AF 6 6 55.182639 -1.569046
NE63 0AG 47 9 55.181303 -1.568572
NE63 0AH 1 1 55.180087 -1.565021
NE63 0AJ 1 1 55.181412 -1.567756
NE63 0AL 25 0 55.180764 -1.56726
NE63 0AN 22 1 55.181203 -1.567067
NE63 0AP 33 4 55.182468 -1.567633
NE63 0AQ 20 1 55.180378 -1.567437
NE63 0AS 25 0 55.18247 -1.5671
NE63 0AT 6 0 55.180948 -1.566002
NE63 0AU 18 2 55.181274 -1.566721
NE63 0AW 21 1 55.18214 -1.567779
NE63 0AX 1 1 55.180608 -1.566493
NE63 0AY 35 1 55.18119 -1.565732
NE63 0AZ 14 0 55.182577 -1.56677
NE63 0BA 4 4 55.183297 -1.56717
NE63 0BB 19 0 55.182638 -1.566329
NE63 0BD 20 0 55.182682 -1.565936
NE63 0BE 29 0 55.181314 -1.565339