all postcodes in NE63 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE63 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE63 9AA 2 2 55.183907 -1.567791
NE63 9AE 20 16 55.183846 -1.566001
NE63 9AF 11 1 55.184696 -1.566213
NE63 9AG 5 2 55.185189 -1.565893
NE63 9AH 8 0 55.18542 -1.560237
NE63 9AN 74 1 55.184537 -1.564565
NE63 9AQ 3 2 55.185511 -1.566705
NE63 9AR 16 0 55.184457 -1.562226
NE63 9AS 37 1 55.184099 -1.56267
NE63 9AT 3 3 55.197197 -1.554169
NE63 9AU 24 2 55.17913 -1.560353
NE63 9AX 28 1 55.177995 -1.559486
NE63 9AY 15 1 55.176608 -1.558497
NE63 9AZ 30 0 55.176669 -1.558009
NE63 9BA 1 0 55.177639 -1.557889
NE63 9BB 54 0 55.178543 -1.559386
NE63 9BD 1 0 55.179541 -1.559626
NE63 9BE 1 1 55.179899 -1.559167
NE63 9BF 4 0 55.175995 -1.558033
NE63 9BG 29 2 55.180536 -1.561358