all postcodes in NE64 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE64 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE64 6XB 0 55.180043 -1.516564
NE64 6XD 1 55.180019 -1.516076
NE64 6XE 0 55.178649 -1.516298
NE64 6XH 0 55.178929 -1.516546
NE64 6XJ 0 55.178939 -1.516891
NE64 6XL 0 55.177654 -1.516812
NE64 6XN 0 55.178949 -1.517189
NE64 6XQ 1 55.174524 -1.516065
NE64 6XR 1 55.179445 -1.518485
NE64 6XS 2 55.180009 -1.517098
NE64 6XT 0 55.179684 -1.518782
NE64 6XU 0 55.17973 -1.519237
NE64 6XW 2 55.17925 -1.518332
NE64 6XX 0 55.180109 -1.519594
NE64 6WU 0 55.167722 -1.544216
NE64 6HF 45 0 55.186301 -1.510818
NE64 6NQ 1 0 55.183041 -1.514375
NE64 6JG 0 55.189649 -1.518882
NE64 6BP 0 55.190629 -1.509886
NE64 6AQ 1 0 55.185392 -1.509148