all postcodes in NE64 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE64 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE64 6AA 8 55.185875 -1.509803
NE64 6AD 8 55.185747 -1.509145
NE64 6AE 0 55.185501 -1.509476
NE64 6AF 0 55.186213 -1.508982
NE64 6AH 0 55.190134 -1.520934
NE64 6AJ 0 55.186076 -1.509406
NE64 6AP 0 55.186873 -1.51001
NE64 6AR 2 55.18661 -1.508143
NE64 6AS 0 55.186969 -1.509224
NE64 6AT 1 55.18661 -1.507155
NE64 6AU 0 55.186394 -1.50697
NE64 6AW 0 55.186808 -1.509383
NE64 6AX 0 55.186754 -1.507059
NE64 6AY 0 55.186774 -1.507703
NE64 6AZ 0 55.187251 -1.507791
NE64 6BA 0 55.187273 -1.507538
NE64 6BB 0 55.187267 -1.507304
NE64 6BD 0 55.187275 -1.50699
NE64 6BE 0 55.18676 -1.506384
NE64 6BG 0 55.187916 -1.507893