all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7AA 15 0 54.998925 -1.591791
NE7 7AB 6 0 55.001786 -1.590339
NE7 7AD 14 0 54.999478 -1.593317
NE7 7AE 41 0 54.999685 -1.590689
NE7 7AF 1 1 55.002507 -1.596382
NE7 7AH 20 0 54.999058 -1.594056
NE7 7AJ 8 0 55.000604 -1.591461
NE7 7AL 18 0 54.998199 -1.592345
NE7 7AN 18 0 54.998678 -1.59331
NE7 7AP 25 0 55.000189 -1.591059
NE7 7AQ 19 0 55.000412 -1.593058
NE7 7AR 20 0 55.002227 -1.590475
NE7 7AS 18 0 55.001275 -1.590641
NE7 7AT 19 0 55.001007 -1.590957
NE7 7AU 43 0 55.001459 -1.589279
NE7 7AX 20 0 54.999774 -1.593299
NE7 7BA 4 0 54.991372 -1.590617
NE7 7BB 6 0 54.996875 -1.59425
NE7 7BE 2 0 54.990249 -1.585923
NE7 7BG 35 0 54.992396 -1.585152