all postcodes in NE8 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE8 2NT 31 0 54.955983 -1.623659
NE8 2NU 38 0 54.956347 -1.624936
NE8 2NX 4 0 54.960458 -1.617792
NE8 2NY 30 0 54.955815 -1.624442
NE8 2NZ 14 0 54.956235 -1.623735
NE8 2PA 23 0 54.956981 -1.623728
NE8 2PB 3 3 54.954898 -1.624216
NE8 2PE 12 0 54.954196 -1.626877
NE8 2PF 17 0 54.957078 -1.623118
NE8 2PG 10 0 54.957353 -1.621991
NE8 2PJ 36 0 54.953831 -1.627989
NE8 2PL 25 0 54.954762 -1.626981
NE8 2PN 3 0 54.954785 -1.626228
NE8 2PP 6 0 54.954678 -1.625748
NE8 2PQ 9 3 54.955041 -1.624851
NE8 2PW 1 1 54.955701 -1.622475
NE8 2PZ 8 0 54.957813 -1.622721
NE8 2QE 45 0 54.956833 -1.622465
NE8 2QF 26 0 54.956553 -1.62189
NE8 2QJ 45 0 54.955225 -1.628367