all postcodes in NE8 / GATESHEAD

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE8 2QL 20 0 54.954314 -1.627282
NE8 2QP 8 0 54.952943 -1.637647
NE8 2QQ 22 0 54.954398 -1.637165
NE8 2QR 24 0 54.952592 -1.637291
NE8 2QU 5 4 54.951574 -1.636488
NE8 2QX 11 11 54.953268 -1.635052
NE8 2RB 1 1 54.948858 -1.635716
NE8 2RD 2 2 54.953731 -1.631297
NE8 2RF 1 1 54.954333 -1.633653
NE8 2SH 1 0 54.955252 -1.614622
NE8 2HA 27 0 54.95073 -1.63134
NE8 2SJ 1 1 54.953404 -1.623777
NE8 2ST 4 0 54.951632 -1.623618
NE8 2SU 18 0 54.951121 -1.623549
NE8 2SY 45 3 54.950493 -1.623867
NE8 2SZ 32 0 54.951763 -1.625319
NE8 2TA 34 0 54.949374 -1.622332
NE8 2TB 20 0 54.949092 -1.62413
NE8 2TD 2 2 54.962649 -1.609413
NE8 2TE 23 0 54.95028 -1.624728