all postcodes in NG19 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG19 7DJ 15 0 53.15094 -1.200453
NG19 7DN 1 1 53.152306 -1.203014
NG19 7DQ 37 0 53.151709 -1.201141
NG19 7DR 31 0 53.152455 -1.195744
NG19 7DS 18 0 53.152847 -1.195303
NG19 7DT 12 2 53.153792 -1.195405
NG19 7DU 16 0 53.153517 -1.196008
NG19 7DX 22 0 53.154044 -1.196776
NG19 7DY 15 0 53.154185 -1.195054
NG19 7DZ 25 0 53.153949 -1.194774
NG19 7EE 19 1 53.154349 -1.208838
NG19 7EF 30 0 53.154808 -1.207529
NG19 7EG 29 0 53.154989 -1.20775
NG19 7EH 39 0 53.155677 -1.208515
NG19 7EJ 16 2 53.155562 -1.211493
NG19 7EL 1 1 53.154522 -1.213217
NG19 7EN 37 0 53.156066 -1.210213
NG19 7EP 37 0 53.15653 -1.211056
NG19 7EQ 14 5 53.154282 -1.209602
NG19 7ER 21 1 53.156301 -1.214424