all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 3GJ 1 1 52.946791 -1.126147
NG2 3GL 12 7 52.945339 -1.131308
NG2 3GQ 16 7 52.945417 -1.130044
NG2 3GS 7 3 52.944996 -1.129901
NG2 3GT 11 11 52.943787 -1.130505
NG2 3GU 5 4 52.944152 -1.129132
NG2 3GW 4 4 52.945111 -1.131181
NG2 3GY 15 15 52.94401 -1.135308
NG2 3GZ 12 12 52.945447 -1.132931
NG2 3HA 1 1 52.944575 -1.130403
NG2 3HB 3 3 52.944562 -1.132052
NG2 3HD 9 9 52.94281 -1.133727
NG2 3HE 3 3 52.942225 -1.134495
NG2 3HF 4 4 52.94387 -1.132096
NG2 3HJ 1 1 52.942243 -1.136105
NG2 3HN 1 1 52.9406 -1.13645
NG2 3HQ 7 6 52.94281 -1.133727
NG2 3HR 1 0 52.940201 -1.135892
NG2 3HS 2 2 52.941017 -1.137852
NG2 3HU 3 2 52.942075 -1.13862