all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 4NW 18 0 52.950676 -1.133779
NG2 4NX 36 0 52.949772 -1.133097
NG2 4NY 54 0 52.949107 -1.13183
NG2 4NZ 33 0 52.949802 -1.132203
NG2 4PA 12 4 52.953295 -1.136599
NG2 4PB 13 3 52.953263 -1.13688
NG2 4PD 42 0 52.952607 -1.135973
NG2 4PE 48 0 52.952607 -1.135973
NG2 4PF 42 0 52.95192 -1.135391
NG2 4PG 48 0 52.95192 -1.135391
NG2 4PH 10 0 52.951563 -1.127167
NG2 4PJ 18 2 52.951951 -1.13475
NG2 4PP 24 1 52.951413 -1.134984
NG2 4PQ 1 1 52.951771 -1.137165
NG2 4PS 6 2 52.951178 -1.13359
NG2 4PT 42 0 52.95199 -1.133916
NG2 4PU 48 0 52.95199 -1.133916
NG2 4PW 1 1 52.952977 -1.134879
NG2 4PX 31 0 52.953162 -1.135679
NG2 4PY 29 0 52.953806 -1.135145