all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 6PD 0 52.927224 -1.100121
NG2 6PE 0 52.927814 -1.103248
NG2 6PF 0 52.928304 -1.105038
NG2 6PG 0 52.926329 -1.099426
NG2 6PH 0 52.928094 -1.108211
NG2 6PJ 0 52.927303 -1.108153
NG2 6PL 0 52.928032 -1.107082
NG2 6PN 0 52.927858 -1.106624
NG2 6PQ 0 52.927329 -1.100863
NG2 6PR 1 52.922565 -1.099816
NG2 6PS 7 52.924252 -1.100495
NG2 6PU 0 52.926508 -1.107619
NG2 6PW 0 52.927341 -1.10601
NG2 6PX 0 52.926144 -1.105886
NG2 6PY 0 52.925952 -1.103108
NG2 6PZ 0 52.925567 -1.104529
NG2 6QA 0 52.925494 -1.105542
NG2 6QB 0 52.925683 -1.106773
NG2 6QD 0 52.917429 -1.106556
NG2 6QE 0 52.917832 -1.105075