all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 7NX 0 52.931504 -1.135307
NG2 7NY 0 52.912613 -1.15094
NG2 7NZ 0 52.913164 -1.151316
NG2 7PA 0 52.92304 -1.154619
NG2 7PB 0 52.929005 -1.132947
NG2 7PD 0 52.910878 -1.149725
NG2 7PE 0 52.911394 -1.150265
NG2 7PL 21 52.93534 -1.133397
NG2 7PN 0 52.93513 -1.13333
NG2 7PP 4 52.934984 -1.13266
NG2 7PQ 3 52.933677 -1.132541
NG2 7PR 2 52.93343 -1.1332
NG2 7PS 0 52.931858 -1.133006
NG2 7PT 0 52.931049 -1.134617
NG2 7PU 0 52.930735 -1.134638
NG2 7PW 0 52.929969 -1.132939
NG2 7PX 3 52.92973 -1.13217
NG2 7PY 1 52.931347 -1.132335
NG2 7PZ 2 52.934623 -1.131629
NG2 7QA 1 52.930864 -1.138831