all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 7JU 0 52.929537 -1.139333
NG2 7JW 1 52.929952 -1.136748
NG2 7JX 1 52.930915 -1.137163
NG2 7JY 0 52.932482 -1.135079
NG2 7JZ 0 52.931811 -1.136729
NG2 7LA 8 52.933613 -1.136024
NG2 7LD 3 52.934217 -1.134803
NG2 7LE 2 52.935295 -1.133699
NG2 7LF 0 52.934867 -1.134243
NG2 7LG 0 52.935302 -1.134681
NG2 7LH 0 52.935177 -1.134832
NG2 7LJ 2 52.934912 -1.135176
NG2 7LN 0 52.921547 -1.143254
NG2 7LP 0 52.922136 -1.141354
NG2 7LQ 0 52.925622 -1.141196
NG2 7LR 1 52.924311 -1.1414
NG2 7LS 0 52.922264 -1.142898
NG2 7LT 0 52.912406 -1.152268
NG2 7LU 0 52.914871 -1.14874
NG2 7LW 0 52.912362 -1.151079