all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 9PQ 1 52.930141 -1.198349
NG2 9PU 1 1 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9PW 1 1 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9PZ 1 1 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9QG 1 0 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9QJ 0 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9QN 1 52.930121 -1.198353
NG2 9ZZ 1 52.948057 -1.144547
NG2 9ZY 1 52.948057 -1.144547
NG2 9QX 1 52.92991 -1.197821
NG2 9QY 1 52.930141 -1.198349
NG2 9RA 1 1 52.948057 -1.144547
NG2 9RF 1 52.948078 -1.144544
NG2 9RG 1 52.948078 -1.144544
NG2 9RH 0 52.948078 -1.144544
NG2 9RT 1 52.948078 -1.144544
NG2 9RL 1 52.948078 -1.144544
NG2 9TS 1 52.938398 -1.134899
NG2 9TT 1 52.938398 -1.134899
NG2 9RN 1 52.948078 -1.144544