all postcodes in NG23 / NEWARK

find any address or company within the NG23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG23 5DZ 8 0 52.996145 -0.759273
NG23 5EA 6 0 53.02036 -0.775956
NG23 5EB 2 0 53.020743 -0.764302
NG23 5ED 13 3 53.015686 -0.783428
NG23 5EE 9 2 53.001726 -0.776111
NG23 5EG 76 0 52.98934 -0.757576
NG23 5EH 36 3 52.989701 -0.755971
NG23 5EJ 33 0 52.991561 -0.755098
NG23 5EL 24 0 52.991482 -0.752702
NG23 5EN 40 0 52.989963 -0.753565
NG23 5EP 7 0 52.987945 -0.752724
NG23 5EQ 11 0 52.992136 -0.753324
NG23 5ER 12 0 52.988012 -0.751441
NG23 5ES 55 0 52.987784 -0.748116
NG23 5ET 18 0 52.988131 -0.750296
NG23 5EU 8 0 52.985407 -0.746874
NG23 5EW 17 0 52.988729 -0.752439
NG23 5EX 11 3 52.970246 -0.760178
NG23 5EY 13 0 52.990404 -0.751005
NG23 5EZ 25 0 52.987248 -0.751404