all postcodes in NG33 / GRANTHAM

find any address or company within the NG33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG33 5NW 21 0 52.807605 -0.622789
NG33 5NX 15 0 52.809644 -0.634297
NG33 5NY 28 0 52.811439 -0.628371
NG33 5NZ 16 0 52.810471 -0.621621
NG33 5PA 2 0 52.82076 -0.626653
NG33 5PB 15 0 52.81026 -0.633951
NG33 5PD 4 0 52.808729 -0.631898
NG33 5PE 9 0 52.807425 -0.615762
NG33 5PF 6 0 52.807628 -0.614688
NG33 5PG 2 2 52.807701 -0.626234
NG33 5PH 36 2 52.764361 -0.628866
NG33 5PJ 21 1 52.764483 -0.627721
NG33 5PL 10 0 52.764427 -0.626804
NG33 5PN 10 1 52.76593 -0.627548
NG33 5PP 21 0 52.768551 -0.634397
NG33 5PQ 4 0 52.764734 -0.628499
NG33 5PR 29 0 52.767682 -0.633105
NG33 5PS 21 0 52.766276 -0.631978
NG33 5PT 29 0 52.76716 -0.635404
NG33 5PU 66 0 52.76671 -0.633787