all postcodes in NG33 / GRANTHAM

find any address or company within the NG33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG33 5QW 19 0 52.762866 -0.626335
NG33 5QX 2 0 52.795166 -0.65819
NG33 5QY 5 0 52.794401 -0.651934
NG33 5BF 1 0 52.794422 -0.651399
NG33 5QZ 11 0 52.795423 -0.653281
NG33 5RA 11 0 52.767142 -0.628394
NG33 5RD 22 13 52.785367 -0.667975
NG33 5RE 1 0 52.786931 -0.677581
NG33 5RF 25 0 52.786646 -0.681074
NG33 5RG 3 0 52.787002 -0.67835
NG33 5RH 7 0 52.787675 -0.678255
NG33 5RJ 3 0 52.786026 -0.68351
NG33 5RL 3 0 52.787053 -0.685332
NG33 5RN 2 0 52.784922 -0.689154
NG33 5RQ 20 1 52.78584 -0.684583
NG33 5RR 11 0 52.764857 -0.629784
NG33 5RS 9 1 52.79594 -0.697197
NG33 5RT 2 0 52.797795 -0.697267
NG33 5RU 1 0 52.800508 -0.694865
NG33 5RW 3 1 52.779187 -0.706622