all postcodes in NG33 / GRANTHAM

find any address or company within the NG33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG33 4NW 21 1 52.8127 -0.520961
NG33 4NX 1 0 52.803377 -0.503743
NG33 4NY 16 0 52.810063 -0.517846
NG33 4NZ 8 0 52.808957 -0.517097
NG33 4PA 42 2 52.790762 -0.493632
NG33 4PB 6 0 52.792023 -0.495264
NG33 4PD 3 1 52.797713 -0.508016
NG33 4PE 27 0 52.79 -0.492907
NG33 4PF 6 0 52.789883 -0.491719
NG33 4PG 2 0 52.782456 -0.494977
NG33 4PH 14 0 52.790091 -0.489493
NG33 4PJ 1 1 52.786898 -0.483207
NG33 4PL 2 0 52.777084 -0.479773
NG33 4PN 5 0 52.79082 -0.494653
NG33 4PP 7 0 52.75121 -0.497619
NG33 4PQ 6 0 52.791329 -0.48946
NG33 4PR 9 0 52.751586 -0.496821
NG33 4PS 12 0 52.752215 -0.495362
NG33 4PT 4 0 52.752412 -0.496733
NG33 4PU 1 0 52.756886 -0.501395