all postcodes in NG7 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG7 7BH 26 0 52.974372 -1.166395
NG7 7BJ 39 0 52.973127 -1.164483
NG7 7BL 4 0 52.972459 -1.164139
NG7 7BN 8 0 52.97276 -1.163478
NG7 7BP 8 0 52.972332 -1.163888
NG7 7BT 1 1 52.978041 -1.167829
NG7 7DA 19 6 52.977168 -1.167425
NG7 7DB 24 6 52.978617 -1.170498
NG7 7DG 4 4 52.978995 -1.170309
NG7 7DN 11 0 52.976706 -1.172322
NG7 7DR 27 1 52.977801 -1.170842
NG7 7DS 24 3 52.977288 -1.172058
NG7 7DT 23 0 52.975232 -1.172455
NG7 7DU 42 0 52.976755 -1.171606
NG7 7DW 23 0 52.976114 -1.172587
NG7 7DX 5 2 52.975267 -1.171974
NG7 7DY 9 2 52.9751 -1.172755
NG7 7DZ 10 0 52.974406 -1.172545
NG7 7EA 24 9 52.97568 -1.173292
NG7 7EB 3 2 52.97537 -1.17412