all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 4PE 0 52.965272 -1.220408
NG8 4PF 0 52.965758 -1.223094
NG8 4PG 0 52.965703 -1.224405
NG8 4PH 9 52.964896 -1.227247
NG8 4PJ 0 52.965523 -1.227044
NG8 4PL 10 52.963792 -1.23044
NG8 4PN 3 52.963966 -1.231062
NG8 4PP 0 52.964822 -1.231255
NG8 4PQ 0 52.965919 -1.231325
NG8 4PR 0 52.965506 -1.232747
NG8 4PS 0 52.964582 -1.233091
NG8 4PT 0 52.964218 -1.232457
NG8 4PU 0 52.966438 -1.231018
NG8 4PW 0 52.966002 -1.230222
NG8 4PX 0 52.966065 -1.227481
NG8 4PY 0 52.965915 -1.228005
NG8 4PZ 0 52.96515 -1.230594
NG8 4QA 1 52.965412 -1.227969
NG8 4JH 34 0 52.967689 -1.233914
NG8 4JL 14 0 52.96771 -1.233006