all postcodes in NG9 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG9 5BG 17 1 52.918111 -1.228275
NG9 5BH 4 0 52.918388 -1.227943
NG9 5BJ 17 0 52.917134 -1.228664
NG9 5BL 28 0 52.916675 -1.228672
NG9 5BN 16 0 52.91699 -1.230094
NG9 5BP 44 0 52.920139 -1.229102
NG9 5BQ 52 0 52.921607 -1.23089
NG9 5BS 43 0 52.92185 -1.233667
NG9 5BT 24 0 52.921124 -1.235465
NG9 5BU 3 0 52.920831 -1.235961
NG9 5BW 43 0 52.92073 -1.234371
NG9 5BX 29 0 52.92019 -1.231164
NG9 5BY 34 0 52.920484 -1.230969
NG9 5BZ 48 0 52.919751 -1.231577
NG9 5DA 50 0 52.920156 -1.234545
NG9 5DB 6 0 52.918657 -1.23069
NG9 5DD 10 1 52.917609 -1.232627
NG9 5DE 26 0 52.918185 -1.234104
NG9 5DF 21 0 52.918569 -1.233695
NG9 5DG 51 0 52.916638 -1.232703