all postcodes in NN11 / DAVENTRY

find any address or company within the NN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN11 8JZ 2 0 52.283124 -1.169207
NN11 8LB 2 0 52.275004 -1.167849
NN11 8QL 4 2 52.268357 -1.187742
NN11 8NP 6 1 52.272087 -1.198138
NN11 8NR 1 1 52.264924 -1.184024
NN11 8NT 1 1 52.260749 -1.186211
NN11 8NU 1 1 52.261973 -1.177295
NN11 8PA 12 12 52.26355 -1.181895
NN11 8EA 9 9 52.271054 -1.17739
NN11 8PB 13 12 52.271584 -1.174962
NN11 8PG 30 26 52.265679 -1.182677
NN11 8PH 17 14 52.263386 -1.180301
NN11 8PJ 5 5 52.26293 -1.18305
NN11 8PL 2 2 52.263897 -1.184058
NN11 8PQ 18 17 52.26808 -1.185608
NN11 8QH 7 6 52.264141 -1.181577
NN11 8QJ 10 9 52.26466 -1.179648
NN11 8QN 1 1 52.265902 -1.181208
NN11 8QQ 1 1 52.266262 -1.185099
NN11 8QS 1 1 52.267672 -1.183637