all postcodes in NN11 / DAVENTRY

find any address or company within the NN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN11 0FW 28 0 52.278767 -1.158105
NN11 0FX 28 0 52.278714 -1.160744
NN11 0GA 10 0 52.276487 -1.161138
NN11 0GB 18 0 52.276186 -1.163049
NN11 0GD 28 0 52.275868 -1.161311
NN11 0GE 25 0 52.276721 -1.16361
NN11 0GF 33 0 52.276385 -1.15815
NN11 0GG 23 0 52.277333 -1.161298
NN11 0GH 11 0 52.276206 -1.159472
NN11 0GJ 18 0 52.277784 -1.160205
NN11 0GL 47 0 52.2764 -1.160304
NN11 0GN 19 0 52.275362 -1.157172
NN11 0GP 21 0 52.274548 -1.157701
NN11 0GQ 8 0 52.27572 -1.158133
NN11 0GR 74 0 52.277468 -1.157528
NN11 0GS 36 0 52.277448 -1.155872
NN11 0GT 32 0 52.276816 -1.155518
NN11 0GU 28 0 52.277724 -1.15808
NN11 0GW 53 0 52.278564 -1.154781
NN11 0GX 9 0 52.277743 -1.15572