all postcodes in NN11 / DAVENTRY

find any address or company within the NN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN11 0GY 21 0 52.278696 -1.155717
NN11 0JA 1 0 52.269079 -1.159812
NN11 0LA 1 0 52.281121 -1.166796
NN11 0LD 3 0 52.269466 -1.166311
NN11 0NX 35 0 52.279815 -1.157469
NN11 0NZ 72 0 52.279629 -1.155347
NN11 0PF 15 0 52.280039 -1.160001
NN11 0PP 9 0 52.262666 -1.159435
NN11 0PQ 2 0 52.265986 -1.161379
NN11 0PR 34 0 52.262503 -1.16061
NN11 0PW 1 0 52.264776 -1.160318
NN11 0PS 13 0 52.266808 -1.161643
NN11 0PT 21 0 52.267306 -1.163348
NN11 0PU 16 0 52.266436 -1.165035
NN11 0PX 58 0 52.265643 -1.163379
NN11 0PY 54 0 52.266585 -1.163215
NN11 0PZ 9 0 52.266955 -1.16334
NN11 0QA 12 0 52.266718 -1.16418
NN11 0QE 4 3 52.263065 -1.164101
NN11 0QF 3 3 52.264048 -1.164405