all postcodes in NN12 / TOWCESTER

find any address or company within the NN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN12 7QE 60 0 52.08381 -0.899963
NN12 7QF 13 0 52.082809 -0.896748
NN12 7QG 1 0 52.087937 -0.906707
NN12 7QL 1 0 52.078212 -0.890761
NN12 7QN 3 1 52.0741 -0.885654
NN12 7QR 1 0 52.073638 -0.908384
NN12 7QS 9 1 52.072316 -0.899265
NN12 7QT 5 0 52.06056 -0.885699
NN12 7QU 3 0 52.062252 -0.896393
NN12 7QX 23 1 52.080089 -0.921564
NN12 7FA 10 7 52.08528 -0.910753
NN12 7RL 3 1 52.147908 -0.925509
NN12 7RN 6 0 52.151921 -0.967128
NN12 7RP 27 0 52.144001 -0.939852
NN12 7RR 12 0 52.141904 -0.939639
NN12 7RS 6 0 52.143257 -0.937122
NN12 7RT 15 0 52.143468 -0.938622
NN12 7RU 32 1 52.143089 -0.935431
NN12 7RW 19 0 52.143318 -0.940876
NN12 7RX 1 0 52.145623 -0.935327