all postcodes in NN12 / TOWCESTER

find any address or company within the NN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN12 7RY 2 0 52.142003 -0.936259
NN12 7RZ 11 0 52.133272 -0.919711
NN12 7SA 24 0 52.142193 -0.920898
NN12 7SB 13 1 52.142599 -0.91817
NN12 7SD 6 2 52.142147 -0.91688
NN12 7SE 18 4 52.142474 -0.914839
NN12 7SF 20 0 52.141391 -0.916826
NN12 7SG 7 0 52.141344 -0.918096
NN12 7SH 19 0 52.144092 -0.914261
NN12 7SJ 18 1 52.14346 -0.912041
NN12 7SL 5 0 52.144487 -0.903085
NN12 7SN 7 0 52.145161 -0.90396
NN12 7SP 2 0 52.117846 -0.904936
NN12 7SQ 15 1 52.143269 -0.914778
NN12 7SR 19 1 52.112777 -0.898401
NN12 7SS 25 1 52.113332 -0.895659
NN12 7ST 2 0 52.133133 -0.938647
NN12 7SU 1 0 52.120754 -0.905772
NN12 7SW 12 0 52.133813 -0.905321
NN12 7SY 1 1 52.141428 -0.91399