all postcodes in NN13 / BRACKLEY

find any address or company within the NN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN13 5JY 0 52.040329 -1.130209
NN13 5JZ 1 52.00753 -1.090675
NN13 5LB 1 52.016048 -1.095807
NN13 5LD 0 51.997593 -1.207653
NN13 5LF 0 52.034828 -1.201426
NN13 5LG 0 52.037866 -1.201387
NN13 5LH 9 52.021306 -1.21624
NN13 5LJ 0 52.015649 -1.176221
NN13 5LL 1 51.994942 -1.180052
NN13 5LN 1 52.009665 -1.203185
NN13 5LP 0 51.996279 -1.216794
NN13 5LQ 2 51.993668 -1.19894
NN13 5LR 0 51.997648 -1.208858
NN13 5LS 0 51.99757 -1.205585
NN13 5LT 3 51.997741 -1.209544
NN13 5LU 0 51.996222 -1.213663
NN13 5LW 1 51.998395 -1.22392
NN13 5LX 11 51.997211 -1.201571
NN13 5LY 0 51.996854 -1.199378
NN13 5LZ 0 51.996421 -1.200478