all postcodes in NN13 / BRACKLEY

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
NN13 5NA051.996123-1.20159
NN13 5ND351.998801-1.209379
NN13 5NE052.027816-1.185868
NN13 5NF152.026767-1.186266
NN13 5NG052.028853-1.18754
NN13 5NN052.02861-1.185023
NN13 5NP152.038347-1.204394
NN13 5NQ151.99347-1.190947
NN13 5NR052.038377-1.22536
NN13 5NS752.030726-1.211628
NN13 5NT052.043772-1.21455
NN13 5NU452.049935-1.209819
NN13 5NW051.998131-1.206026
NN13 5NX052.050453-1.224262
NN13 5NY052.052154-1.220455
NN13 5NZ152.052493-1.222724
NN13 5PA252.052873-1.217672
NN13 5PB252.053819-1.222074
NN13 5XT052.053921-1.221095
NN13 5PD152.056109-1.213165