all postcodes in NN15 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN15 5BA 15 0 52.396247 -0.702267
NN15 5BB 16 0 52.395611 -0.702462
NN15 5BD 14 0 52.395335 -0.702735
NN15 5BE 22 0 52.393748 -0.703134
NN15 5BG 13 0 52.393123 -0.703461
NN15 5BH 49 0 52.389733 -0.70259
NN15 5BJ 13 0 52.389078 -0.701081
NN15 5BL 24 0 52.392439 -0.703437
NN15 5BN 10 0 52.390357 -0.703748
NN15 5BP 19 0 52.391802 -0.703558
NN15 5BQ 20 0 52.394392 -0.70116
NN15 5BS 9 0 52.388881 -0.701969
NN15 5BT 14 1 52.393817 -0.70034
NN15 5BU 13 0 52.39425 -0.69971
NN15 5BW 16 0 52.390958 -0.703657
NN15 5BX 26 0 52.394858 -0.700221
NN15 5BY 14 0 52.394375 -0.702895
NN15 5BZ 55 3 52.393273 -0.69918
NN15 5DA 33 0 52.396025 -0.700025
NN15 5DB 32 0 52.391264 -0.701267