all postcodes in NN15 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN15 5DD 26 0 52.39127 -0.703456
NN15 5DE 36 0 52.391869 -0.700603
NN15 5DF 46 0 52.390994 -0.700408
NN15 5DG 41 0 52.395414 -0.696765
NN15 5DH 10 0 52.395359 -0.697546
NN15 5DJ 11 0 52.389771 -0.703603
NN15 5DL 14 0 52.3954 -0.699588
NN15 5DN 20 0 52.392294 -0.700046
NN15 5DP 30 2 52.393944 -0.698073
NN15 5DQ 15 0 52.394654 -0.69717
NN15 5DR 53 1 52.397488 -0.697395
NN15 5DS 53 8 52.395252 -0.689715
NN15 5DT 41 0 52.394363 -0.687934
NN15 5DU 27 0 52.395855 -0.687097
NN15 5DW 13 0 52.392561 -0.701464
NN15 5DX 5 0 52.394853 -0.6867
NN15 5DY 28 0 52.396015 -0.688561
NN15 5DZ 16 0 52.395417 -0.690549
NN15 5EA 18 0 52.394391 -0.690461
NN15 5EB 8 0 52.394548 -0.691618