all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 9DA 0 52.405064 -0.731835
NN16 9DB 0 52.406285 -0.732476
NN16 9DD 0 52.407567 -0.728793
NN16 9DE 0 52.406811 -0.732049
NN16 9DF 2 52.40746 -0.729708
NN16 9DG 0 52.406526 -0.731499
NN16 9DH 3 52.40597 -0.73078
NN16 9DJ 0 52.406565 -0.73091
NN16 9DL 0 52.407358 -0.731108
NN16 9DN 0 52.40786 -0.730123
NN16 9DP 0 52.406646 -0.728717
NN16 9DQ 0 52.40519 -0.730141
NN16 9DR 1 52.407228 -0.729038
NN16 9DS 0 52.406492 -0.72831
NN16 9DT 1 52.40648 -0.729707
NN16 9DU 0 52.408541 -0.729956
NN16 9DW 0 52.406734 -0.729964
NN16 9DX 2 52.405654 -0.728937
NN16 9DY 0 52.405977 -0.728119
NN16 9DZ 0 52.405923 -0.729752