all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8SF 0 52.405786 -0.7237
NN16 8QZ 1 52.405135 -0.720073
NN16 8WD 0 52.401429 -0.743375
NN16 8WB 8 0 52.402427 -0.74417
NN16 8AW 13 0 52.406437 -0.714919
NN16 8NW 3 0 52.403779 -0.714379
NN16 8SG 1 52.402365 -0.721667
NN16 8UU 0 52.403266 -0.737693
NN16 8SJ 0 52.402779 -0.721626
NN16 8JD 0 52.404633 -0.726041
NN16 8JF 0 52.404353 -0.725843
NN16 8AB 47 0 52.401125 -0.735049
NN16 8UY 0 52.403477 -0.738921
NN16 8DX 46 0 52.403658 -0.729788
NN16 8PR 0 52.405599 -0.715576
NN16 8SL 15 0 52.402504 -0.72203
NN16 8AR 4 3 52.400514 -0.734273
NN16 8AS 9 6 52.405309 -0.743779
NN16 8BH 1 1 52.401136 -0.730184
NN16 8AT 16 0 52.403879 -0.728635