all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 1DN 29 0 52.500491 -0.685809
NN17 1DP 8 0 52.50084 -0.684796
NN17 1DQ 36 0 52.501035 -0.688621
NN17 1DR 33 0 52.499765 -0.688394
NN17 1DS 16 0 52.500153 -0.687719
NN17 1DW 18 0 52.499878 -0.684
NN17 1DY 18 0 52.490915 -0.689688
NN17 1EB 35 1 52.497101 -0.693069
NN17 1ED 12 2 52.496588 -0.695397
NN17 1EE 28 12 52.495413 -0.697288
NN17 1EF 21 0 52.49476 -0.700047
NN17 1EG 35 0 52.493973 -0.702058
NN17 1EH 4 3 52.499223 -0.6914
NN17 1EJ 51 0 52.496026 -0.692541
NN17 1EL 68 0 52.495727 -0.692329
NN17 1EN 20 0 52.496784 -0.692798
NN17 1EP 21 0 52.49669 -0.696528
NN17 1EQ 25 0 52.492947 -0.704475
NN17 1ER 40 2 52.495041 -0.695354
NN17 1ES 21 0 52.496129 -0.69787