all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 1ET 42 0 52.493167 -0.700712
NN17 1EU 18 0 52.493682 -0.705086
NN17 1EW 20 0 52.496504 -0.693484
NN17 1FH 36 0 52.494809 -0.698764
NN17 1GD 1 1 52.487908 -0.699925
NN17 1HA 14 0 52.494946 -0.693236
NN17 1HD 23 0 52.49749 -0.697359
NN17 1HE 52 0 52.497676 -0.695394
NN17 1HF 32 0 52.498366 -0.697657
NN17 1HG 32 0 52.497491 -0.699892
NN17 1HH 46 0 52.496924 -0.697361
NN17 1HJ 13 0 52.498307 -0.698808
NN17 1HL 20 0 52.497876 -0.7005
NN17 1HN 23 0 52.496738 -0.699281
NN17 1HP 26 0 52.496074 -0.703425
NN17 1HQ 52 0 52.495944 -0.699776
NN17 1HR 25 0 52.496258 -0.700592
NN17 1HS 66 0 52.494862 -0.702783
NN17 1HT 13 0 52.495274 -0.702639
NN17 1HU 18 0 52.496683 -0.70407