all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 1HW 21 0 52.496721 -0.701786
NN17 1HX 20 0 52.49736 -0.701811
NN17 1HY 25 0 52.495413 -0.700587
NN17 1HZ 7 0 52.494654 -0.701007
NN17 1JA 29 0 52.495701 -0.701433
NN17 1JB 18 0 52.496864 -0.703373
NN17 1JD 46 0 52.503185 -0.690369
NN17 1JH 46 0 52.500799 -0.694138
NN17 1JJ 32 0 52.500112 -0.69133
NN17 1JL 16 0 52.50086 -0.692324
NN17 1JP 22 1 52.502296 -0.694521
NN17 1JW 31 10 52.501555 -0.69332
NN17 1JY 20 0 52.49743 -0.700896
NN17 1JZ 60 0 52.499149 -0.697737
NN17 1LA 20 0 52.501611 -0.697664
NN17 1LB 29 0 52.500616 -0.697929
NN17 1LD 27 0 52.499894 -0.699247
NN17 1LE 36 0 52.498515 -0.701424
NN17 1LF 35 0 52.497763 -0.703331
NN17 1LG 15 0 52.496929 -0.704402