all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 3AA 2 0 52.567983 -0.633363
NN17 3AB 5 0 52.547971 -0.625665
NN17 3AD 41 0 52.564992 -0.65166
NN17 3AE 6 0 52.565344 -0.647828
NN17 3AF 14 1 52.566617 -0.649117
NN17 3AG 10 0 52.565628 -0.637329
NN17 3AH 33 0 52.566389 -0.645702
NN17 3AN 1 1 52.498099 -0.595798
NN17 3AQ 1 1 52.56001 -0.655545
NN17 3AS 3 1 52.51151 -0.649569
NN17 3AT 38 4 52.55439 -0.60415
NN17 3AU 7 1 52.562773 -0.575057
NN17 3AX 6 1 52.553003 -0.59716
NN17 3AY 2 0 52.557057 -0.596308
NN17 3AZ 7 0 52.558951 -0.606646
NN17 3BA 8 0 52.570621 -0.570481
NN17 3BB 14 2 52.573666 -0.553233
NN17 3BD 5 0 52.536168 -0.67634
NN17 3BE 4 0 52.535556 -0.675488
NN17 3BJ 4 0 52.536609 -0.677152