all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 3HT 31 0 52.495104 -0.641793
NN17 3HU 43 0 52.495913 -0.645819
NN17 3HW 33 1 52.497407 -0.641929
NN17 3HX 31 0 52.49541 -0.647352
NN17 3HY 8 0 52.497425 -0.641235
NN17 3HZ 6 0 52.497301 -0.637454
NN17 3JA 8 0 52.497106 -0.635294
NN17 3JD 16 0 52.495511 -0.641324
NN17 3JE 1 0 52.503844 -0.619395
NN17 3JF 4 0 52.492062 -0.638455
NN17 3JG 7 5 52.488696 -0.647646
NN17 3JH 3 1 52.512391 -0.61531
NN17 3JJ 25 4 52.495744 -0.6365
NN17 3JL 21 2 52.49717 -0.633819
NN17 3JN 13 0 52.49634 -0.633595
NN17 3JP 15 0 52.497386 -0.630734
NN17 3JQ 6 0 52.494232 -0.638742
NN17 3JR 7 0 52.495901 -0.632975
NN17 3JS 1 1 52.495779 -0.63015
NN17 3JT 11 0 52.495569 -0.633044