all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 3JU 42 0 52.491552 -0.629265
NN17 3JW 38 0 52.498235 -0.628733
NN17 3JX 18 0 52.49529 -0.634585
NN17 3JY 35 0 52.493262 -0.635634
NN17 3JZ 44 0 52.492428 -0.630446
NN17 3LA 25 0 52.493389 -0.630313
NN17 3LB 3 0 52.495401 -0.63791
NN17 3LF 21 0 52.495003 -0.636214
NN17 3LG 5 0 52.494911 -0.637572
NN17 3LH 2 0 52.486177 -0.61631
NN17 3LP 15 0 52.496813 -0.630177
NN17 3LQ 4 0 52.496143 -0.631347
NN17 3ZF 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 3BQ 4 0 52.536678 -0.674526
NN17 3LR 9 0 52.498078 -0.638564
NN17 3GA 0 52.497775 -0.644215
NN17 3EF 4 0 52.535848 -0.674226
NN17 3ES 1 1 52.518651 -0.648996
NN17 3EX 0 52.534782 -0.673816
NN17 3GD 0 52.534756 -0.671473