all postcodes in NN17 / CORBY

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN17 5AE 4 2 52.502313 -0.672642
NN17 5AF 3 3 52.512924 -0.664822
NN17 5AH 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN17 5BA 3 3 52.493062 -0.682274
NN17 5BB 1 1 52.50452 -0.664163
NN17 5DT 19 19 52.495443 -0.682233
NN17 5DU 11 9 52.498044 -0.678339
NN17 5DX 14 10 52.497681 -0.677231
NN17 5DZ 9 8 52.503638 -0.654687
NN17 5EX 1 0 52.503635 -0.64651
NN17 5EZ 5 3 52.502762 -0.645697
NN17 5JE 12 10 52.501877 -0.652295
NN17 5JF 2 2 52.502904 -0.644735
NN17 5JG 59 44 52.502504 -0.646663
NN17 5JT 3 3 52.499021 -0.650276
NN17 5JX 10 6 52.503714 -0.653373
NN17 5LU 5 2 52.499934 -0.653003
NN17 5LX 2 1 52.499701 -0.649209
NN17 5PH 2 2 52.502515 -0.645263
NN17 5QT 3 3 52.511446 -0.676568