all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 0AB 17 0 52.491001 -0.720557
NN18 0AD 16 0 52.48952 -0.725814
NN18 0AE 31 0 52.488946 -0.725963
NN18 0AF 33 0 52.48716 -0.724527
NN18 0AG 33 0 52.487533 -0.722439
NN18 0AH 23 0 52.488453 -0.722737
NN18 0AJ 21 0 52.488849 -0.723624
NN18 0AL 18 0 52.489372 -0.722946
NN18 0AN 5 0 52.486976 -0.722514
NN18 0AP 2 0 52.487693 -0.721611
NN18 0AQ 12 0 52.48877 -0.722963
NN18 0AR 8 0 52.488092 -0.721819
NN18 0AS 20 0 52.488739 -0.721742
NN18 0AT 20 0 52.489983 -0.722884
NN18 0AU 2 0 52.486508 -0.722603
NN18 0AW 13 0 52.487405 -0.721456
NN18 0AX 18 2 52.487256 -0.723449
NN18 0AY 25 1 52.489078 -0.724044
NN18 0AZ 5 1 52.490015 -0.723384
NN18 0BA 13 2 52.490738 -0.722906