all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8TJ 4 52.459673 -0.733668
NN18 8DD 51 0 52.476125 -0.675109
NN18 8DQ 40 0 52.475734 -0.675577
NN18 8TX 0 52.46438 -0.702472
NN18 8SS 33 0 52.477372 -0.693506
NN18 8ST 15 0 52.477364 -0.694568
NN18 8SN 11 0 52.478257 -0.693833
NN18 8SL 28 0 52.477907 -0.695581
NN18 8GZ 51 0 52.465985 -0.702072
NN18 8SP 0 52.473447 -0.696302
NN18 8SQ 0 52.473381 -0.696863
NN18 8SR 0 52.47365 -0.695118
NN18 8SU 0 52.472743 -0.695219
NN18 8SW 0 52.4718 -0.69613
NN18 8SX 0 52.47189 -0.696966
NN18 8SY 0 52.474167 -0.707838
NN18 8TD 1 52.476014 -0.667691
NN18 8FQ 27 0 52.482889 -0.660253
NN18 8SZ 30 0 52.487417 -0.677716
NN18 8SE 0 52.474008 -0.670137