all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 9AA 7 0 52.479543 -0.728531
NN18 9AB 5 0 52.479093 -0.7285
NN18 9AD 9 0 52.478751 -0.727656
NN18 9AE 4 0 52.478774 -0.728951
NN18 9AF 15 0 52.477656 -0.730279
NN18 9AG 8 0 52.477919 -0.727989
NN18 9AH 8 0 52.477733 -0.729114
NN18 9AJ 40 0 52.478454 -0.728445
NN18 9AL 4 0 52.479439 -0.708304
NN18 9AQ 11 0 52.478117 -0.726408
NN18 9AS 8 7 52.466535 -0.734544
NN18 9AU 38 0 52.480551 -0.723672
NN18 9AX 42 0 52.48001 -0.723467
NN18 9AY 4 0 52.479646 -0.724788
NN18 9AZ 40 0 52.47982 -0.723428
NN18 9BA 49 0 52.479037 -0.723319
NN18 9BB 0 52.480256 -0.718836
NN18 9BD 0 52.480629 -0.717589
NN18 9BE 2 52.478232 -0.721987
NN18 9BG 0 52.480026 -0.716664