all postcodes in NN7 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN7 1LH 15 0 52.219759 -0.75328
NN7 1LJ 1 1 52.224863 -0.739434
NN7 1LN 5 0 52.238799 -0.784922
NN7 1LP 5 0 52.237961 -0.782997
NN7 1LQ 1 0 52.224682 -0.738458
NN7 1LS 45 1 52.239189 -0.784384
NN7 1LT 38 3 52.237501 -0.785835
NN7 1LU 61 2 52.238012 -0.790567
NN7 1LW 4 0 52.238388 -0.800091
NN7 1LX 37 0 52.238448 -0.786587
NN7 1LY 17 0 52.237319 -0.794935
NN7 1LZ 44 0 52.237338 -0.792401
NN7 1NA 21 1 52.241483 -0.783619
NN7 1NB 20 2 52.23715 -0.78977
NN7 1ND 21 2 52.23558 -0.793121
NN7 1NE 30 0 52.236588 -0.79374
NN7 1NF 14 0 52.235762 -0.794273
NN7 1NG 57 0 52.238452 -0.799284
NN7 1NH 10 5 52.24024 -0.80811
NN7 1NJ 1 1 52.237429 -0.783729