all postcodes in NN7 / NORTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN7 2AZ 24 0 52.185209 -0.802559
NN7 2BA 2 1 52.197782 -0.801944
NN7 2BB 15 0 52.186184 -0.800677
NN7 2BD 7 0 52.18548 -0.802203
NN7 2BE 24 2 52.183665 -0.800962
NN7 2BG 14 4 52.1881 -0.792009
NN7 2BH 9 0 52.180023 -0.791658
NN7 2BJ 4 0 52.182508 -0.799913
NN7 2BL 28 0 52.184186 -0.801418
NN7 2BN 6 0 52.187482 -0.818825
NN7 2BP 8 0 52.187324 -0.816532
NN7 2BQ 2 1 52.193015 -0.784296
NN7 2BS 13 0 52.187933 -0.816326
NN7 2BT 18 0 52.188666 -0.815912
NN7 2BU 3 0 52.180763 -0.803426
NN7 2BW 21 0 52.187955 -0.817584
NN7 2BX 2 1 52.172896 -0.800316
NN7 2BY 6 0 52.187677 -0.824832
NN7 2BZ 6 0 52.188007 -0.82102
NN7 2DA 67 2 52.180793 -0.824734