all postcodes in NN9 / WELLINGBOROUGH

find any address or company within the NN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN9 5JY 7 0 52.338835 -0.659767
NN9 5JZ 3 0 52.340044 -0.654637
NN9 5LB 7 0 52.318529 -0.618024
NN9 5LD 21 0 52.318122 -0.619372
NN9 5LE 12 0 52.319006 -0.618845
NN9 5LF 4 0 52.337157 -0.665615
NN9 5LG 44 5 52.336338 -0.656026
NN9 5LH 3 0 52.337689 -0.655764
NN9 5LJ 45 1 52.337022 -0.652145
NN9 5LN 11 0 52.338227 -0.653738
NN9 5LP 65 0 52.336004 -0.653556
NN9 5LQ 25 0 52.337445 -0.654598
NN9 5LR 52 0 52.335159 -0.654345
NN9 5LS 32 0 52.335209 -0.656428
NN9 5LT 2 0 52.337513 -0.655329
NN9 5LU 6 0 52.337715 -0.656146
NN9 5LW 55 1 52.336118 -0.652803
NN9 5LX 17 0 52.337519 -0.656358
NN9 5LY 6 1 52.337712 -0.65666
NN9 5LZ 3 1 52.33824 -0.657319