all postcodes in NN9 / WELLINGBOROUGH

find any address or company within the NN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN9 5NA 54 1 52.33824 -0.658904
NN9 5NB 42 1 52.337436 -0.658562
NN9 5ND 24 1 52.336381 -0.659034
NN9 5NE 38 0 52.336372 -0.657771
NN9 5NF 46 0 52.334665 -0.659115
NN9 5NG 3 0 52.333872 -0.660592
NN9 5NH 25 0 52.337059 -0.656959
NN9 5NL 35 0 52.338187 -0.664469
NN9 5NJ 12 0 52.337598 -0.666468
NN9 5NN 1 0 52.337596 -0.660759
NN9 5NP 2 0 52.328362 -0.669475
NN9 5NQ 6 2 52.351302 -0.683498
NN9 5NR 11 1 52.338259 -0.662104
NN9 5NS 3 0 52.341343 -0.665284
NN9 5NT 3 2 52.342277 -0.669249
NN9 5NU 1 0 52.349173 -0.682035
NN9 5NW 6 0 52.333512 -0.660515
NN9 5NX 8 0 52.346334 -0.694363
NN9 5NY 16 16 52.342792 -0.68742
NN9 5NZ 25 1 52.340304 -0.689328