all postcodes in NN9 / WELLINGBOROUGH

find any address or company within the NN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN9 5PA 53 0 52.318267 -0.624091
NN9 5PB 11 0 52.318775 -0.62365
NN9 5PD 24 0 52.31796 -0.623162
NN9 5PE 6 0 52.320519 -0.62364
NN9 5PF 8 0 52.318151 -0.623376
NN9 5PG 27 0 52.320762 -0.622165
NN9 5PH 8 0 52.318091 -0.622058
NN9 5PJ 11 1 52.319457 -0.625155
NN9 5PL 11 0 52.323856 -0.616068
NN9 5PN 2 0 52.313767 -0.629423
NN9 5PP 18 0 52.323521 -0.615169
NN9 5PQ 12 0 52.326585 -0.608807
NN9 5PR 35 1 52.323213 -0.616425
NN9 5PS 28 0 52.322428 -0.614733
NN9 5PT 38 0 52.319348 -0.621901
NN9 5PU 58 7 52.324166 -0.616425
NN9 5PW 46 0 52.323389 -0.614644
NN9 5PX 33 4 52.32437 -0.61655
NN9 5PY 24 0 52.318955 -0.6214
NN9 5PZ 19 0 52.328385 -0.609763